Edson Yanaga

Java Champion and former 7x Microsoft MVP. Empowering developers worldwide as Staff Developer Relations Engineer, Wallet Lead, at Google.

Managing Ruby versions on MacOSX with rbenv

08 June 2020

Managing Java version, Node.js versions, Ruby versions… The issues we face when developing software.

Today’s post is about managing Ruby versions on your Mac. I had to run bundle on my new machine to be able to preview my blog posts, so I ended up installing rbenv, ruby, and then bundle to be able to do it. You tell me about some yak shaving :-)

I decided to blog about it so next time I have a fresh MacOSX install I’ll be able to reference this post. Why not a private note? Could be done, but why not share some love by publishing some public knowledge?

  • First, install rbenv, and ruby-build with homebrew:
brew install rbenv ruby-build

Make sure to read the output and add the proper commands to your .bash_profile.

  • Initialize rbenv:
rbenv init

Again, make sure to read the output and add the proper commands to your .bash_profile.

  • Install your ruby version. I chose version 2.7.1 at the time of this writing:
ruby-build $RUBY_VERSION $HOME/.rbenv/versions/$RUBY_VERSION
  • Make version 2.7.1 the global default:
rbenv global 2.7.1
  • Finally, install bundler:
gem install bundler